Hello dear friend,

Greetings to you in Jesus name, I hope you are doing well in the grace and mercies of God. I pray, may God continue to protect you from all evil and dangers and may He also provide all your needs in Jesus’ name. Amen

Prayer is effective, because when you pray it changes people’s lives, it changes the situation, and it changes the place you are staying and also changes your future.

There are many people who pray, and not many know how to pray according to the will of God to experience breakthroughs and therefore you need to know how to pray to experience the power of prayer.

Today I would like to share few things that might help you to grow in your prayer life to experience greater victories. In order to pray effectively and to linger longer in His Presence you might want to follow this pattern;

  1. Start with THANKSGIVING:

Every time you enter into your personal time with the Lord in prayer, begin by being thankful to God for everything He has done in your life so far. And thank Him that He is in control of your life, and by faith give thanks to the Lord for everything He is about to do in your life.

The bible says, God is good and what He does is good. Psalms 119:68.

Do you remember the things that the Lord has done in your life for which you are grateful to Him?

2. Begin to PRAISE & WORSHIP Him:

After you have been thankful to God for all His goodness, you can begin to praise Him for His greatness.

The bible says, Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise. Psalms 100:4

Your praises and worship to God will make you more humble and will also equip you to put your faith in His love, grace, and faithfulness.

3. Ask God what you NEED:

When your faith in God has raised to a place through praise and worship, then you are in a position to ask God for whatever you need and God in His mercies will give you whatever you have asked for.

The bible says, do not be anxious about anything, but in everything with thanksgiving present your requests known to the Lord. Philippians 4:6

All you need to do is sincerely ask Him with all your heart and believe that He will answer your prayers.

What do you need in life?

4. Intercede for OTHERS:

Once you have asked God for whatever you need, you can stand in gap for others for their needs too.

As a child of God you are equipped and empowered to pray for others, and as you pray, you will be the reason of people experiencing breakthroughs and miracles in life.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. 1 Timothy 2:1

Our Lord Jesus in the garden did pray for Himself, for His 11 apostles and for everyone (you and me) who will believe in Him. When the Lord has prayed for everyone, what stops us to pray for everyone?

Are you wiling to pray for others whom God has put in your lilfe?

I pray, may God give you grace to grow in your prayer life, and may your prayer life be a blessing to others in Jesus name. Amen

With much love and blessings,

Ps. Jeevan Kumar & Ps. Leena Jeevan

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