Hi dear friend,

It’s a joy and pleasure to write to you everything that’s on my heart.

One of the most common thing we all encounter or come across in this lifetime is HURT, some are always living there but some once a while, but all go through a phase of hurt. I don’t know any person who’s a stranger to hurt.

This was one of my prayers few years ago when my life was smooth everything I wanted is just within my reach, I would pray ‘God please put me in problem’. I want to know you more, with a smooth and easy life, I cannot.

I would face a situation, but at the end of that situation when I overcame, my love and trust in God was not the same where I started.

Recently I was asking God, please break my heart and put in hurts. I know it’s a painful process but hurt is a very good teacher if you give to God instead of you handling it.

Today, I don’t know what it is that hurts you, but I want to encourage you to use those hurts to climb to greater heights.

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I have titled this blog as HURTS TO HEIGHTS!

Here are three things that hurts will do if you give some time and use it as a stepping stone to climb high.

  1. Hurt will help you to run to God:

You are hurt because someone or something didn’t work the way you wanted it to work for you, the most common thing everyone would do or have great tendency to do is to run away from God, but, this is when you should run to God because no one understands your hurts better than God.

If you run to people or old sinful habits they will give sympathy or temporary sinful pleasure but God will give you hope for future.

No one and nothing will heal the wound within you but God will clean the wound and see it is healed completely, as if nothing has happened.

Running to God in the painful and hopeless situation is the wisest thing you will ever do! If you are in pain, I tell you, ‘run to God, now’.

  1. Hurt is attractive to God.

God likes the broken and contrite spirit.

The healer – Jesus Christ is attracted to hurt.

Even before you could run to Him for healing, He is more than willing to run to you. When you take one step towards God, He will take all the steps needed to reach you and gets so close that you will feel Him in His fullness of His love and care like never before.

When you have God by your side, and when you begin to share your heart with Him, the invisible God will make all your hurts fade to invisible and reveal Himself to you till you see Jesus and only Him.

Hurt makes everything fade and make Jesus visible.

  1. Hurt will help your re priorities your life well:

The reason you are hurt because you have wrong thing in your heart as your #1 thing in life.

Hurt is a very good teacher if you allow it to make you to be the person God wants you to be.

Hurts will tell you what belongs to you and what is not yours.

When you give God and His will the place that He deserves then everything in life will begin to take a shape that will bring Glory to God and will greatly bless you beyond your imagination and will be a blessing for the people around you.

Dear friend, as you are reading this, I request you to make Jesus to be your focus no matter how painful thing you been or how long you been in it.

You looking up to Him is itself is the faith booster instead of looking at your situation no matter how loud and big your hurt is. The Bible says, ‘those who look to Him will never be put to shame’.

Hurt is not your destiny. You are hurt because of the choices you make.

I pray that God will give you grace and empower you to raise above your hurt and the painful thing you been. When you overcome your hurts you are definitely on the greater heights, then you can help people who are going through hurt, what you went through earlier in life.

May God bless you,

In His service,

Jeevan & Leena


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Hurt Brokenness God Healer Heights


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