Hello dear friend, Greeting to you in Jesus name. Since this is the first blog of the year, I would like to wish you a blessed year ahead. This year God has given a promise that this would be a “year of GATHERING and a year of LIFE”. What does it mean to be a year of...

Power of Your Words.

Dear friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. When God created all the creation, He just spoke a word and things came into existence, but when He had to make a man He formed him from the dust. For God to make a man, His hands got dirty, we are His...

How does God speak to us?

How does God speak? As we have said in the last post that the God whom we serve is alive and He speaks. Now, today we will know what are the ways He uses to speak to us His children. 1.       God speaks to our spirit: The Bible says we are created in the image and...

Hearing the voice of God.

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Voice of God – How does He speak? How can I listen? Well, these are few of the many questions every child of God has. I hope and pray that this blog would help you. Did you ever have a desire to...