Hello dear beloved,

Greetings to you in Jesus name.

Well, before I continue I would like to wish you a blessed year ahead.

This is our first blog of the year, I thank you for all the love and support. It’s really encouraging.

Hope your start to the year has been good, must be a season of blessing, fun and laughter …… also you might be trying hard to live to the resolution you made at the start of the year, and you might also waiting for the fulfillment of the promises of God for the year and life.

Today I would like to share few thoughts on ‘The promise of God and how to live in it?’ from the life of Mary (the mother of Jesus)


  1. Favour of God brings promises of God:

Every time you receive the promise of God, it’s not because of your righteousness living or spirituality but it’s because of the favor of God over your life.

He loves you so much, therefore, He want you to know what He is about to do in your life and through you.

The angle of the Lord said unto her, ‘Mary, you are highly favoured by God’. Luke 1:28

Imagine if Mary could find a high favour before the greatest atonement and before the Holy Spirit came, imagine His favour on us today.

You are favoured by God my dear friend!!

  1. Promises of God are beyond your abilities:

The Bible says, God has plans for us and those are higher and greater than ours. Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 55:11.

God will not just promise to give you something which you can do with your own ability but also which is beyond, so that you might know it’s not by your wisdom, your strength and your power but it’s by the power and favour of God alone.

No virgin ever gave birth to a baby, it’s impossible and beyond human understanding.

High favour of God qualifies you for higher calling and higher destinies!

  1. Believe the promise of God:

Mary was an ordinary woman like every other woman, but it was favour of God that made her special.

Mary, could have used her logics, in fact it didn’t make sense to her when the angle told her but when angle spoke to her, she believed the message of God. Luke 1:34, 38

The reason why some people don’t receive the promise of God is because it doesn’t make sense to them and they don’t believe it.

I think, we not only need favour to get the promise of God but also a favour to see it being fulfilled.

  1. You don’t try to fulfill the promise of God:

The sad thing you can do out of your foolishness regarding the promise of God is that you try help God in fulfilling the promise He gave you. He doesn’t need your help!

He is the Alpha and the Omega, He starts and He finishes.

When God gives you a promise, He knows how to keep it and fulfill it in His own time.

Imagine Mary receiving the promise of God and going around to fulfill it with her wisdom, she would have messed up and ruined it completely.

The reason why some of the promises of God are yet not fulfilled in your life is probably you are trying to fulfill it on your own. God wants you to stop helping Him and step aside so that He can do what only He can do!

  1. Relax and let God work:

Mary said, I am the Lord’s servant…… Luke 1:38

I think Mary understood that she wouldn’t bring the promise of God with her own godliness or with her fasting and prayers but by believing and living in full submission to God and His Spirit.

You don’t need any Joseph in your life to fulfill the plans and purposes of God.

The best and the only way you can help God is making a room for Him and you rest in Him and His promises.

I believe 2017 is a year of celebration, there is celebration when God fulfills His plans and purposes in your life.

The promises of God are not just for you but also for the body of Christ (the church) and the generation; when you are blessed with the fulfillment of the promises, the church is blessed and so is the generation.

God bless you

With much love and prayers,

Jeevan & Leena



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