Hello dear friend,

Greetings to you in Jesus name.

Man’s greatest problem is sin.

The root cause of all problems in the world is SIN.

Sin is what separates a mankind from its Creator. Isaiah 59:2. Since man is separated from God therefore he is vulnerable to every sinful things that’s happening in this world.

Everyone is trying their best to get rid of the sins they have committed in their past and some of them are trying their best to not commit any sin.

The Bible says, be holy, because your God is holy. 1 Peter 1:15-16.

Jesus said, you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48

God would not expect anything for us which we can’t do!

If God wants us to live a holy and perfect life, than, He has also provided the grace needed to live that life.

Jesus who is God, was also 100% man when He came to earth. If Jesus can do it, yes, we too can!

Now, the question is, can we live a holy and perfect life in a time such as this, when we are surrounded with sin everywhere, and it’s so enticing, how can we ignore it?

If Noah can live righteous in his day, Job in his day, Jesus lived in His day, and now we can live it in our day too. We have the grace and power that Noah didn’t have nor did Job.

Today I would like to share few things that will help you to live a holy life.

  1. You are called and chosen. Ephesians 1:4

The bible says, God chose and called you in Jesus Christ to be holy and blameless in His sight.

That’s your identity in Jesus!

When God made the first man, Adam, He made Him after His likeness and in His image, without sin.

Though Adam lost it through disobedience, but through Jesus Christ our Lord (the second Adam), it is restored to us. We are to God like Jesus is!

That’s who we are.

You might ask me then, why do you sin? Because you choose to.

Decide in your heart that you will live holy and perfect!


  1. By His word. Psalms 119:9

How can a young man stay pure? By obeying your word.

Obedience is a choice!

Sadly, sometime we don’t know the truth of God’s word in the situation we are in.

How can you obey something which you are not aware of?

Take time to read, study and mediate God’s word. Even if it is one word, one sentence or one verse, take time to ponder on it. Ask the Holy Spirit who is with you always to make you understand and give you a fresh revelation of the word of God.

The word of God is what leads, guides, strengthens, correct and encourage us to live the life God has called us to live in Jesus.

Fill your heart, mind and mouth with the word of God.


  1. Change the way you think. Romans 12.1-2

Give your bodies to God as a living sacrifice…. and let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.

If you want to change the way you live, you only need to change the way you think.

You will bring forth the fruit of the thoughts in your mind. Your thoughts determine your actions.

Every sin you commit starts with a thought in your mind, if you give it enough room it becomes a desire, desire when it is grown bring forth action, and actions will determine your character.

If you want to live holy, start thinking about it, desire to live a perfect life, attempt it and make it your lifestyle.


  1. By dying to yourself. Colossians 3:5

Put to death, the sinful earthly things.

Some of you, believed in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and took water baptism, do you know what it means? That you die to your old self and you rise up to new life in Jesus.

I know it’s hard to live up to the standards of God at times but it’s not impossible. The dead man doesn’t have any desire to commit sin.

Therefore, Paul said, I die daily. 1 Corinthians 15:31 KJV.

He also said, I beat my body and make it my slave. 1 Corinthians 9:27

Your greatest hindrance to live a holy and perfect life is YOU and your fleshly desires.

Let’s die to sin every day, every moment. Let Christ alone be displayed in us and through us 24/7/365. We are sold out for Christ.

This post is applicable to me too, more than you know, I am not writing to you as a man who has already arrived, but I want to live the life God gave me, the way He wants!

Can we rededicate our lives to God and commit to live to please Him every single second of our life.


Father we want to thank you for the grace you have given us to live like Jesus lived, thank you for the help of the Holy Spirit. Father, we want to please you and make you feel so proud of us your children. We love you, in Jesus name. Amen


With much love,

Jeevan & Leena



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