Hello dear friend,

Greetings to you in Jesus name.

Hope the start of the year been great.

Even in the midst of trails, tests, failures, challenges and disappointments God is good and He has a way out of the things that you are in. Amen.

I want you to know that you are created by God with a purpose. He made you the way you are! You are precious in His sight, He loves you and cares for you much more than you can ever know.

Highway to your Destiny

Today I would like to help you to reach your destiny, I have titled this blog as ‘Your highway to your destiny’.

  1. You are created with a destiny:

The Bible says, we are created by God. Trust me, He never makes a junk, you are created with a purpose, in fact the Bible says; God chose you even before you were formed in your mother’s womb. Jeremiah 1:5.

In fact, He has not only chosen you when you were in your mother’s womb but He chose you before He would create heavens and the earth. The Bible says, He chose us before the foundations of the earth was laid and received you to be His child. Ephesians 1:4-5.

He is very much concerned about you, He knows every single detail of your life, and He is so much concerned about you that even the hair on your head is numbered. Matthew 10:30

It is important that you know the purpose of God for your life. Here is the post that will help you to know the plan and purpose of God for your life https://wp.me/p4fXYd-jb

The reason it’s important to know the purpose of God for your life is because without living that purposeful life, you don’t feel satisfied in life even if you are successful, influential and wealthy. “Only God and His purpose brings SATISFACTION”!


  1. You have an opposition:

 There are some people who know the purpose of God on their life but my friend, knowing alone will not help you to live it.

To live that God ordained life for you, you should be willing to let go of your own will.

The only person who can stop or deviate you from living purposeful life is YOU.

But, once you surrender your life to God and allow His purpose to be your purpose, there is one more person who will stop you and that’s THE DEVIL.

The devil will not come with black dress and two horns, he will attack the purpose of God through your family members, loved ones, friends, colleagues and situations you are in. They all will tell you one thing, which is to stop believing what you are believing and embrace the temporary solution.

For example: Jesus came to earth with a purpose, Satan knew about it and he came to Jesus when he was fasting for 40 days, He was hungry and the devil told Him to turn the stone to bread and eat. Luke 4:1-4.

All men and women of God who lived in the purpose of God had gone through challenges, criticisms and hardships, but they overcome because they had to choose to follow God and embrace His will against all odds.

Dear friend, you choose! Your today’s choice determines your tomorrow.


  1. God is Faithful to take you there:

Well then, we said that God has a purpose for your life and there is an enemy trying his best to stop you from living it.

I have a good news for you here, when God gives you a purpose, He will also give everything needed to live in it, despite what the enemy brings your way.

You might look at your situation and question the existence of God and the love He has for you, though God seems to be far at times, though He is not answering your prayers now, though He is not showing Himself to you now, know that He is PREPARING you.

“Greater the purpose, greater the preparation”.

When God sees that you are ready to live in the fullness of the purpose He has for you, He will lift you up ‘overnight’ and set you on that greater place, when people see you they will see the goodness of God and glorify Him.

Joseph was picked from prison to palace overnight.

David became a famous, overnight.

Mordecai from rags to riches, overnight.

And many more……

We serve the same God. He doesn’t show favoritism Romans 2:12. We all are His children John 1:12.

But the one common thing among all is, they loved God, surrendered their life to Him 100% and tried to please Him.

If you can surrender your life to Him and accept His plan and purpose, He will pick you up and set you on a greater plan you have ever imagined. Amen


God bless you,

With much love and prayer,

Ps. Jeevan & Leena Jeevan

+91 9620388227



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