What are you boasting about?


Jer 9:23-24: This is what the LORD says:


“Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let those who boast, boast about this: That they understand and know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the LORD.


There are so many people who boast about their wisdom. They think that they are the smartest creatures on the earth and they start to look down on the people who are not as smart as they are.


I remember a man of God doing the same; he once met a pastor in one of the meetings. This man heard of him, and went to meet him with total love and respect. This pastor was from a small village, with small congregation, no big car and not dressed in fine clothes and to my surprise that preacher treated him as if he was his servant, how sad is it? What are you boasting about? This pastor came and told me everything happened in the meeting, he said,


“The preacher preached a good sermon, I was blessed by his sermon but he under-estimated the people around him and I asked him what exactly happened? The Pastor replied, “The preacher did not see Jesus in us, because his eyes were filled with his big things.”


Bible says that our boasting should be in the Lord! God said that Let him who boast of this that, ‘he understands and knows me’.  And even 1 Cor 1:31 says ‘let him who boasts boast in the Lord’.


God wants us to know Him and understand Him. What do you know about your God? What is God like? Paul desire as expressed in Phil 3: 10; he said, I want to know Christ….. What is your desire? The more you know Him, the more you desire him; the more you desire Him, the more you will be like Him.


Dan 11:32:  those who know their God will carry out great exploits.


The truth is that God wants to reveal Himself to us and even the church wants to know Him, but why are we not getting there? It is because of the self we have. Stop looking at who you are and pursue God today.


When you seek Him, you will find Him. After finding Him, walk with Him every day and live every moment with Him. When we do this, we will be complete.


God Bless you.

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