King is the one who rules, reigns, owns and masters.
Who is your king?
You know almost every nation had a king and every king had his kingdom! King is the one who inherits the position by right of birth or made king because of the circumstances.
There are two kingdoms in the worlds and each kingdom has a king;
- Jesus (God)
- Satan
God is Holy, and righteous. In Him there is no sin at all. He is the creator of everything that is visible and invisible. Bible says everything in heaven and earth and under the earth was created by Him Col 1:15. In other words He owns everything! He is the Lord.
Bible says that God made man in His own image and likeness, He is in the kingdom of God and His king (God) was enjoying to see His creation playing in the garden. But man sinned against God by disobeying Him.
At that moment man was separated from God and therefore man became slave to sin and Satan.
But Jesus (God) came to earth 2000 years ago to redeem man. He lived a holy and blameless life and paid the price for the sin of all mankind once and for all by giving Himself as a substitute taking away our sin. He died on the cross and rose again on the 3rd day and is alive forevermore. He defeated sin and satan. Thank God for all the Christians know this truth!
After knowing this truth, after receiving this truth can I ask you, who is you King?
If Jesus is your king, why are you still living in sin? If Jesus is the God of your life, why the deeds of darkness are still there in you?
Bible says ‘If Christ has set you free, you are free indeed’ John 8:36. Before receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you were under sin and it reigned over you. Though you are born again you are still continuing to sin because you wanted to do it! Don’t blame others or situations!
Child of God, who is your King? What is mastering you? Who and what is over taking your life?
If you don’t see Jesus as your king, come back now! He is waiting for you. Surrender your life to Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to take over your life.
Come and start your life all over again with Jesus. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
God Bless you
Jeevan and Leena.
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