Bible says, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Rom 10:13.
The world is looking for the way to be saved and people are doing everything possible to enter into eternal life.
In the name of god, they are giving their children to prostitution, in the name of god they are sacrificing their children, in the name of god they are killing one another to get moksha (salvation) people are walking thousands of kilometers to their pilgrims, and people are taking bath in rivers so that their sins will be forgiven.
The world is seeking for salvation; it is seeking for a savior. People are seeking for the forgiveness for their sins, seeking for the deliverer who can set them free from all their bondages, curses, sins, and sickness. But the only solution is Jesus Christ!
A next verse says, how, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Rom 10:14
You as a man of God and a minister of God want people to be saved but HOW? Sitting in your homes will not build the kingdom of God or building your own ministry will not save the people who are going to hell, seeking your own fame will not add even one soul in the kingdom of God. God is not bothered about your ministry but He is waiting for someone who will have the burden of God.
The world is starving to death every day and you have the bread of life (Jesus Christ) the only answer for sin. What are you doing with what you have?
Jesus said, ‘Go into the entire world and preach the gospel to every creature’. When you go for God He will back you up, when you go the heavens will back you up, when you go His word and Spirit will actively work in you and through you.
Paul said, ‘I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation of everyone who believes.’ There is no other way people can be saved except going and preaching the Word of God. Gospel is the only means for Salvation and Jesus is the only way.
Dear friend, stop thinking about your ministry too much, stop thinking about your popularity too much, stop thinking too much about your problems. Start thinking about the heart cry of God, start thinking about precious souls that would be going to hell. Let the burden of God be yours!
I am going for souls. . . . . . How about you?
With heart cry of God,
Jeevan n Leena
Great job Jeevan. Love you.
thanks 🙂