The reason most of the churches are not satisfied or not achieving their vision is because the church is failed to recognize the potential of people.

I grew up as a cricketer. I was the captain of the college where I studied. As a captain of the team it was very important for me to know the ability of my team members, who can bat and where and the same with the bowler who can bowl and when, what kind of bowler he is? And who can field and where?

I would have never asked the 11th batsman of my team to open the innings for me or a part time bowler to bowl in the critical stage of the game. Instead I would bring the best bowler. Why? As a captain of the team I knew the ability of my team members.

The reason the team goes through failure is because of few wrong decisions taken by the captain of the team like bringing the wrong person in action at the wrong time. I think this is exactly the same thing happening in the churches today.

Players in your church:

The word of God says in Eph 4:11; He has given some to be Apostles, some to be Prophets, some to be Evangelists, some to be Pastors and some to be Teachers.

 Rom 12:7-8: He has given some to serve, some to encourage, some to be givers and some to be leaders.

It is so important that as a Pastor/ Leader of the church to know the callings, gifts, talents and skills within your church to build the body of Christ.

Everyone in your church is a player in your team. Everyone has a part to play in the kingdom of God. Place your team members according to what God has given them.

Wrong reasons for giving someone power/responsibility in Church:

  1. Because he/she is a good giver.
  2. Because he/she is attending church from long time.
  3. Because he/she is my relative.
  4. If he/she is not in position they might leave the church.
  5. He/she is much educated and influenced.
  6. Because he/she is talented and skillful.

May be the above mentioned qualities might be good for a leader but that in itself is not the reason to be a leader.

20 Biblical qualities for church leader:

  1. He/she should be lover of God.
  2. He/she must be fully committed to God.
  3. He/she must be always ready to serve God.
  4. He/she must be self-control.
  5. He/she must be hospitable.
  6. He/she must be not given to drunkenness.
  7. He/she is not a lover of money.
  8. He/she must be open to correction.
  9. He/she must have a good reputation with the outsiders.
  10.  He/she must be a hard worker.
  11. He/she must be blameless.
  12.  He/she must practice what they teach.
  13.  He/she must love people and show love.
  14.  He/she must be a good care taker of the body of Christ.
  15. He/she must not be man pleasers.
  16.  He/she must be wise and discerning.
  17.  He/she must be led by the Holy Spirit rather than their intellect.
  18.  He/she must practice and teach sound doctrine.
  19.  He/she must understand the vision and encourage other towards the vision.
  20.  He/she must have a personal time with God.

Are leaders born or made?

Leadership means influence according to John Maxwell. Everyone who can influence is a leader. Everyone in the church is a leader and everyone has to play his/her part for the church and for the kingdom of God.

It is time to wake up and know the abilities of the members in your church and put the right person in right place.


Jeevan n Leena

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