Hello Dear Beloved,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We wish you and your family a Blessed and Christ centered Christmas.

Today I would like to share with you on what is Christmas. I Pray God will speak to you and help you to celebrate the way He likes.


What is Christmas?

It is important to know what Christmas is, before you start celebrating it.

Christmas is not just festival as some of us assume, it is the work of God for all humanity past, present and future; and it doesn’t start on the outward but starts within and out comes what God has started in you.

For some Christians Christmas is all about wearing new cloths, whitewashed or painted house, decorated house, eating nice food and inviting friends and relatives to have fellowship at the table . . . . All these things are good but if you miss Jesus, all is vain!!!

The important thing we should remember on Christmas is we are celebrating the birthday of Jesus but how sad some of us miss Jesus himself. What is the point of having everything and not having Jesus! Have Jesus at the first place while celebrating Christmas because it’s not about you but all about Jesus!

To understand what Christmas is and how to celebrate Christmas, we should go back to the time of the birth of Jesus Christ and see what people celebrated then and examine how are we celebrating it today.

 Christmas is SEARCHING Jesus:

 The Bible says in Matthew 2:2. The wise men from east came to Jerusalem. The Bible calls them as WISE men; they won’t act or do anything foolish. These wise men sought Jesus until they found Jesus.

If you are celebrating Christmas, hold on for a while and search Him with all your heart. The Bible says, whoever searches Him, will find Him! All you need to do is search, God won’t play hide n seek with you; before you even think of searching Him, He is ready and willing to make Himself reveal to you!

Even when the shepherds came to know about the birth of Jesus, they too went searching for Jesus. Luke 2:10-15. You cannot search Jesus with the busy life you have, the shepherds had to leave their flock, their families, their place (country), and search Him. How are you searching Him today?

Don’t search Jesus because you have to, Don’t follow Jesus because you have to but search and follow Him as if He is your life and you are dead without Him! Search Him wholeheartedly!

SEARCH HIM today!!!

Christmas is WORSHIPING Jesus:

The Wise men said, “We have come to worship Him.” Matthew 2:2

The word Christmas consists of two words, CHRIST is Jesus and MAS is Worship. The word worship means to respect, honor and adoration.

As you celebrate Christmas today it is very important that you respect Him today not only with your words but also with your deeds. When you say, you respect Jesus and don’t give Him the place He deserves, you are not celebrating Christmas. When people worshiped God, they fell on their face to the ground in full submission.

Have you surrendered your life fully to Jesus? Is Jesus the Lord over your body, soul and Spirit? Is Jesus the Lord over everything you have and everything you do today?

If not, This Christmas is the best time to surrender your life, your family, your education, your job/ministry…to Jesus and make Him your only Lord!

Christmas is GIVING GIFTS to Jesus:

The wise men brought Him gifts of Gold, Silver and of Myrrh. Matthew 2:11

How embarrassing it is to be in a birthday party without gifts. You need to ask yourself what I can give Jesus on His birthday. We plan to gift a person whom we love days ahead to surprise him/her with the best ever.

What will you give God or what is He in need of? Micah 6:6-8 and Isaiah 1:11-13 the best gift you give Him is ‘yourself’.

The Lord needs you; you are created by Him and for Him, therefore present yourself to God.

When you give someone a gift, you don’t have right on it again, it belongs to the receiver! As you present yourself to Him know that you don’t have any authority on yourself but Jesus has complete authority. It’s not about what you like; it’s all about what Jesus like.

Our life has a meaning when we are in the hands of our Master, He will never let you down. You no need to strive hard to see the blessings of God manifest, It happens accordingly because you are connected to the source of all blessings.

Christmas is WITNESSING Jesus:

The shepherds made known of everything they heard and saw. Luke 2:17-18.

Christmas is witnessing Jesus. He is the savior, only He can save you from all your sins. Matt 1:21. He is the Prince of Peace. Isa 9:6. He loves us and concerned of us, therefore He is always with us. Matt 1:23.

It is your responsibility as Christian to witness Him. What is the point of inviting your friends over for a meal and don’t tell them about the Jesus, who is the Lord over Christmas.

You cannot witness something which you haven’t experienced. The shepherds saw Jesus, and they witnessed the birth of the Savior on their way back.

As I conclude, I want to encourage you to Seek Him, as you find Him Worship Him, as an act of worship give your life as Gift to Him and finally do not forget to share your experiences with Jesus to your family, relatives, friends and the world.

God Bless you, Have a Blessed and Christ centered Christmas.

Love you,

Jeevan n Leena



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