One of the greatest weapons the enemy uses against us and mostly against the young generation is DISCOURAGEMENT!
There are a many number of people who face discouragement every day.
Parents are discouraged about their children for not studying or carelessness and sometimes when they are rebellious against them. Children are discouraged because their parents don’t understand them. Husband is discouraged because his wife and children don’t respect him the way he expects. Wife is discouraged because her husband and children don’t understand her and recognize her efforts.
Relatives are discouraged by each other, friendship ends up in discouragement, teachers are discouraged because of the students. Students are discouraged by the teachers. And the list goes on and on.
One of the main reason people end up in discouragement is because of ego and running after people to be accepted. A very cliched feeling, ” I told him/her to do it so he/she didn’t do, I did everything he/she told me to do despite of all this they are not pleased with me” hence resulting in discouragement.
Dear reader, I request you to encourage one another regardless of who they are and what they do. Remember to correct them in love. It should push them ahead in life to their destiny. If you can’t encourage someone and talk good about them it’s fine but be careful not to talk bad and then discourage them.
Believe it or not we all go through discouragement, but how we react to it matters.
Whenever you are discouraged run to His presence to be filled again and to be strengthened.
The Bible says God is gracious, compassionate, merciful and loving God. No matter what people think or talk about you remember to seek God for He gives peace in times of trouble.
God will give you the reason for living with new hope. God never laughs at your weakness rather He is always ready to help you overcome the things that you are struggling with.
He knows you and understands you better than anyone in this world. You can share your heart with Him.
God will never ever put you down. The Bible has a record of God using common people to impact generations but the only thing required is will you be able to give your life to Jesus and make Him your only Lord of your life? If you can only do so, you will be amazed at God’s doings because He is the best encourager.
Your father may let you down,
Your mother may let you down,
Your brothers may let you down,
Your sisters may let you down,
Your uncles and aunties may let you down,
Your friends may let you down,
Your relatives may let you down,
Your teachers may let you down,
Your students may let you down,
Your husband may let you down,
Your boss may let you down,
Your colleagues may let you down,
Your wife may let you down,
Your children may let you down,
Anyone in the world may let you down but JESUS will never, ever, never, ever let you down.
If you don’t know how to surrender your life to Him, please mail us at [email protected] we would love to help you reach Jesus.
If you know how to give your life to Jesus to fix it forever, please go ahead and do so. If you could share your thoughts with us we will rejoice with you and together we can glorify God for His goodness and greatness.
God Bless you,
In His service,
Jeevan n Leena.