Hello dear beloved,

It’s a joy and pleasure to write to you the things God laid on my heart, now!

Today, I would like to share 4 things that we as men and women of God should remember.

Before I share those four things I want to make you clear that you are a man/woman of God, in other words you are an ambassador of God. You are the one who are called to reflect Jesus wherever you are.

Everyone who believes and receives Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour becomes a man/woman of God. After said that you are a man/woman of God, the way you live your life is important. The way you minister makes a difference.



For you to be a man/woman of God, here are the things that I will share with you hopefully will bless you and equip you to be a person God has called you to be.

  1. Don’t serve with impure motives:


A person who serves God serve men, a person who serves men serve God.


Why do you serve God?

How are you serving God?


Sorry to say but sometimes we serve God out of our own selfishness and to fulfill self-centered dreams and desires.


We use flattery and trickery words with masks on our faces in serving God and His people.


We are called to serve like Jesus. Read the gospels and see how Jesus serve God – The Father and His people.

Look at the lives of 1st century church, how they served God and people.


Now, how are you serving?


If you know you are not serving God and His people the way you are supposed to, then, it’s time to repent and ask God for His grace to serve people like Jesus did.


  1. Don’t try to please people:

You can either please God or people – you cannot please both. You have to embrace one and despise the other.


It’s not about how many people like and follow you for what you are doing, it’s about, “is God pleased and happy for what I am doing”!

Don’t look for people approval.


Jesus’ ministry comforted the discomfort and discomforted the comfort. How is your ministry/message today?


Throughout the life of Jesus, one things Jesus ran from in His earthly ministry is from position and fame; sadly the one things few ministers look for today is a position and fame.


FLEE from it!!


“If people praise builds you, then, their criticism will destroy you’!


Pleasing Jesus alone should be our goal, Loving Him alone should give us joy, walking where He is walking should be our lifestyle.


  1. Be a parent:

At this very hour what the world and the body of Christ needs, is not just preachers but parents.


It’s the parents that cover children’s nakedness, encourage them, correct them, teach them, sit with them, talk with them, be with them whenever they need you, play with them and make sure that you pray with them.

If you don’t do it, they will be attracted to something else in the world, later you will be heart broken.


If you read New Testament especially the letters and epistles, you see them addressing to their recipients as ‘to my dear children’ quite often.


Love people God brings your way like the way you love your own children. Let them see the heart of the God –The Father in you.


You can only be what God has been to you, and can only give what you have received from your Father in heaven.


Let the love of God fill and overflow you, that people around will also experience that love.


  1. Work hard:

As a man/woman of God you cannot be lazy.

You are called to excel in the call God has called you. God wants you to master every gift and talent He has given you for His glory and for the beneficial of the people around you.

The only key to excel is to give yourself to it completely – be devoted.

You will not find a man or a woman of God who succeeded in life were lazy, in fact the only people who will grow are the people who work hard to the call God called them.

The Apostles worked day and night!

Jesus – The Son of God had to work hard day and night to fulfill the purpose God – The Father had called Him for. How much more you and I should?

As you are reading this I pray that the Holy Spirit will renew you and give you grace to live this life the way Jesus did and that you bring glory and honour to Him in everything.

God Bless You,

In His service,

Jeevan & Leena





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