Hello dear friend,

Greetings to you in Jesus name.

Love is one of the most used word in English dictionary, and you have the meaning of this word in a sentence.

This word has built so many lives and also have left a bad experience on some.

Love is divine, in fact the Bible says that ‘God is love’. 1 John 4:8.

There is one thing that everyone is in desperately need of and its love. We should ask ourselves a question, are we loving the people around us?

There are 4 different kinds of love in the Bible.

  1. Agape: it’s an unconditional love: This is the highest of the four kinds of love. This shows God’s immeasurable love for mankind. It is the divine love comes from God. It is the perfect, unconditional, sacrificial and pure.

Jesus Christ, demonstrated this love to God the Father, and to all humanity in the way He lived and died.

  1. Philia: it’s a brotherly love. This is the most general type of love in scriptures, including love for fellow humans, care, respect and compassion for the people in need. The concept of brotherly love that unites believers is unique to Christianity.
  1. Storge: it’s a family love: This is the affectionate bond that develops naturally between parents and children, and brothers and sisters.
  1. Eros: it’s a romantic love. This term originates from the mythological Greek goddess of love, sexual desire, physical attraction and physical love. The bible encourage this love only between husband and wife.

Now, when you know that there are different kinds of love, you should know the kind of love you are loving people around with.

You cannot love everyone with the same kind of love. You need the wisdom and the Grace of God to love people God has brought in your life.

For example:

The Bible says, Jesus came to this world for all humanity of all time, but, He fed the 5000 who came to listen to Him;

Though He fed 5000, He sent 70 to go and minister;

Though He sent 70, He had chosen 12 disciples;

Though He had 12 disciples, He reveled His heart in the garden to the 3;

Though He has 3 close disciples, He had one person whom the Bible calls as the beloved of God.

Now, you should know who belongs where, and keep them in that boundary. Jesus had to tell His disciples in the garden of Gethsemane to wait here and took three of His disciples into the inner chamber of garden.

At time you should stop people when they are crossing their limits, you should have grace on your life to say NO to few people and few things, doesn’t matter what they think about it.

But, Jesus also moved with compassion when he saw the crowd, you too should have compassionate and kind heart like Jesus had for the hungry, helpless, poor, needy, sick, widows, and orphans; no matter who they are, what religion, caste, skin color, and background they come from, you should be willing to show them the love of God and be willing to help with if you can. Practice Humanity!

The bible tells us to love our enemies, pray for the people who persecute you, and bless those who curse you, but you should have the wisdom how to do it. You do not want to cross the boundary, else you enter into a danger zone, where in the end you will regret.

There are lot in my mind for this topic but I want to conclude by reminding you one thing, FOLLOW JESUS’ FOOTSTEPS!!!

May God give us grace to love people like He loved and may His wisdom be our portion!

With much love,

Ps. Jeevan & Leena


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