Hello dear friend,

Greetings to you in Jesus name.

Today I want to share few thoughts about problems and how to overcome it.

What is a problem and how do you know you are in a problem?

Sometime you might be in a problem and might not even know about it. Now, you can be sure that you are in a problem if you have following symptoms;

  • You are in worry,
  • You are restless and
  • You are losing your peace and joy.

When someone is in a problem, they blame others for the situation they are in, some people blame the time, and some people blame God as if He is the one who has sent problems their way.

Know this today and remember this for your lifetime that, God is a good God. The Bible says, God is good and what He does is good. Psalms 119:68, and the Bible also says that every good and perfect gift comes from God. James 1:17

If you see anything good in your life, it’s from God; and if you see any bad it’s not from God!

How will someone end up in problem?

There might be many reason but today I want to share three reason how someone ends up in a problem;


If you break the word devil its D-Evil, the devil is the evil one.

The Bible says is John 10:10: The thief (Devil) comes to steal, kill and destroy. That’s his full time job. He goes around like a roaring lion whom he might devour.

The devil might not come to afflict you in a black outfit, with two horns and with extra grown teeth. He attacks you in your mind, thoughts and emotions.

He uses the situation to depress you and empty you of your hopes to fight now and hope for tomorrow; he knows your weakness and tempts you to fall in the same area, and end you up in guilt; he uses your past to condemn you and cripple you of enjoying your life now, and to desire for great tomorrow; and he also uses people to irritate and hurt you with their negative words and rude actions.

What do you do when you are attacked by the devil?

The Bible has a solution that is in James 4:7: Submit to God and resist the devil and he will flee from you.

The word submit means to come under ones authority.

In order for you to win the attack of the devil you need to come under the authority God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Bible says the name of Jesus is above every name and at His name every knee bows in heaven, on earth and under the earth and every tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord. Philippians 2:7-9. Jesus is the Lord of all.

When Jesus becomes your Lord and Saviour of your entire life, you are empowered to resist the devil and his tactics by faith, and the devil shall flee from you in Jesus name. Amen



Though the devil is the source of all the problems in the world, but sometimes you end in a problem because of the choices you make.

The choices you make are either God’s will or not God’s will. Everything that God commanded you to do in the Word of God (Bible) is the will of God, and everything He commanded in the Word of God (Bible) not to do is not the will of God.

Sometimes though you know what the bible says and know what is expected of us by God, you still do things that are not pleasing to Him, and end up in sin.

Whatever is under sin, is under the power of the devil.

Disconnect from the devil and his things so that you might be safe.

The reason Eve was deceived in the Garden of Eden is because she was entertaining and also getting entertained by the devil. Don’t spend time with things and people that will not help you to live the life that God has called you to live in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

God says, I have set before you life and prosperity, death and destruction. Deuteronomy 30:15.

People always question God why He is not helping, and some people blame the devil for the wrong that’s happening in one’s life; it’s easy to question God and blame devil, but it takes grace of God and great humility to dig into your own life and see the mistakes you have committed to be in the situation you are in now.

What do you do when you know that it is your mistakes?

When you know it’s because of your mistakes, repent to God and make a decision to obey Him, and start obeying Him from now. Then you will enjoy life and be very prosperous.


When you are doing everything God has commanded you to do, if you are in a situation that seems to be like a problem, know that God is up to something very great in your life.

The Bible says, count it all for joy when you face trails of many kinds. James 1:2

If God is sending things your way that are too hard to handle, know that He is preparing you and repositioning you for great things.

Some people get offended and turn their backs on God and leave Him, saying I have done so much for God and this has happened, those people have missed the best.

If you miss the process of your making, you will miss the promise.

What do you do when God is testing you?

You continue to trust God and His love for you, endure the pain knowing that this pain will not kill but produce greatness and continue to love God, worship Him even more and walk in His ways.

If you are thrown into lion’s den, know He is there to shut the lion’s mouth for you. If he allows you to go through water (sea) He is there to freeze the water for you. If you are in the fiery furnace, He is there to protect you from fire.

If God will not keep you FROM fire, water and lions; He will keep you IN the fire, water and in lions den.

Before I Conclude, I want you to know that you are called and chosen by God for greatness. Love Him, Obey Him and Trust Him always.

God bless you.

With much love and blessings,

Pastor. Jeevan & Leena

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