Hello dear friend,

Greetings to you in Jesus name.

One of the greatest requirement for the human being is not just food, clothing and shelter but also identity; who are you? And to whom do you belong?

Probably you have general/common answers to the above questions that your name is so and so, and your father is so and so, and you are identified by the work you do….. Nothing wrong with this!

But I want to remind you that you are a spirit, who has a soul, and you live in a body. When a person dies his/her body stops functioning and will return to dust because that was it is made up of, soul (mind, emotions, will and desire) ceases from its work, but your spirit is made in the image of God. You spirit is eternal!

Have you ever thought who are you in the spirit? To whom do you belong?

There are people who call themselves as spiritual, and living a religious life, yet deep down in their heart battling to understand who they are and whom do they belong? Since they do not have answers to these question therefore they become the victims of an “orphan spirit”.

Dear friend, it is very important that you know who your spiritual father and mother is. You might ask me, is it important? I would say ‘Yes’, very important!

Father And Son Walking Along Winter Beach Hand In Hand

Paul writes a letter to a church in Corinth saying, “Though you might have many mentors, but through the gospel I have become your father”. 1 Corinthians 4:15

The way we have biological parents, likewise we should have spiritual parents. Biological parents are parents to our body, but spiritual parents are parents to our spirit.

Every child of God should have 3 fathers; One heavenly Father, one biological father, and one spiritual father.

There is a difference between a mentor and a spiritual father. A mentor is the one who guides, teaches, and inspires you to live effectively, but a spiritual father is the one who not only acts like a mentor but also a person through whom you connect to the heavenly father and to heavenly things by faith and through grace.

How to know your spiritual father?

  • Your pastor can be your spiritual father. When you call your church as your spiritual family, then the shepherd of the church is your spiritual father.

After you have found a spiritual father, sometimes you might change a church because you have changed a city/state/county, when you find another church, the pastor of that church shouldn’t be your spiritual father (though you love, respect, obey and honor him). If the new pastor becomes a spiritual father then there is a high possibility that you might change him too because the place you have moved to might not be your permanent place.

  • If you do not have spiritual father yet, I want you to ask God and wait on Him to reveal and connect you to your spiritual father.

God can connect you to your spiritual stream from any part of the world to father you in the gospel.

Your spiritual father is;

  •  the one who teaches you God’s word,
  • the one who prays for you,
  • the one who reflects Jesus Christ to you,
  • the one to whom you share your heart,
  • the one whom you honor and willing to serve,
  • the one to whom you are teachable,
  • the one to whom you are accountable in everything,
  • the one to whom you are committed,
  • the one whom you remembers and runs to immediately (after God) when you are in need,
  • the one who is the resource to the source of spiritual things,
  • the one who blesses you, and
  • the one who equips, encourages, corrects and empowers you to move forward to fulfil the assignment God gave you.

If you have a person in your life with these qualities, the he might be your spiritual father.

If you are already a son or a daughter to someone, and are not doing everything that is mentioned above, then it’s time to start giving them their rightful place. Amen

By the grace of God, I am having a spiritual father from 2009, now he is in a different country, we may be meeting once or twice a year; yet we are connected in the spirit, yet I love and honor him, and receive his voice as the voice of God over my life, and I am forever thankful to God for my spiritual father and celebrate him.

One last thing before I conclude, when you have a spiritual father then his wife by default becomes your spiritual mother. Receive them as your spiritual parents, else you would be semi orphan.

I am sharing to you what I did, and what I am doing, and what I would love to do forever.

May God set you free from an orphan spirit, and may you know, understand and receive your spiritual parents in Jesus might name. Amen

With much love,

Pastor. Jeevan Kumar and Leena Jeevan

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