In a certain town there was a God fearing religious couple, who loved God and were serving God within their capacity.
To them was born a pre-mature and weak baby boy, when the doctors saw the baby, they said “we can’t guarantee the life of this baby”, and told them that he might die any moment.
This couple’s world was broken, but their only hope was in God, they decided to lay their hands on the boy and pray, and they spoke life over the boy day and night – 24/7.
And they also made a covenant, saying “if this boy lives, they would dedicate him to serve God all his life”.
Miraculously, God heard their prayers, and the baby who was supposed to die, began to gain strength and lived.
Everyone, including doctors were amazed at God’s healing power.
Therefore this boy was brought up with so much love and care, though this boy had other siblings, yet parents gave him special attention and brought him up in the fear of God.
But as days, months and years passed by; slowly this boy began to drift away from righteous living because of bad company.
At a very young age, he started to smoke, then drink alcohol, then started to take weeds.
To continue his habits, he wanted money, so he started to steal money from his father’s pocket and mother’s saving, later everywhere he went he began to steal money.
And slowly without his knowledge he started associating with people who used to gamble, became bad and notorious boy, and was also involved in illegal businesses.
He knew what he was doing was wrong, he wanted to turn to God but by then he had gone too far, and it was impossible for him to return to God and to the family.
He thought, he would live all his life in jail if he gets caught, or live in an underworld away from everyone and society.
While he was living this life, he lost the love and respect among his family, friends, in the neighborhood, and went through loneliness, rejection, addictions and depression….
But his parents continued to fast and pray, they wept in the presence of God. Whenever any men/women of God came to their town they would run to them with one request saying “please pray for my son”.
One day, the parents got a call from their close relative, saying “there is a meeting going on, please come and bring your son along”.
The parents were so disappointed and depressed because of their son, they thought this was their last hope!
By God’s grace they went to a meeting, this boy was not at all interested, and he was just killing time at the place of meeting.
But, as the preacher began to preach, his words slowly caught the attention of the young boy, he felt as if the preacher was speaking to him one on one.
The words of the preacher began to make sense to him, he could relate his life to the word that was preached, all of a sudden Jesus’ love became real to him, he wanted to have the life for which Jesus came, lived, died and rose from the dead.
As the preacher gave an alter call, this boy stood, lifted his hands in surrender, welcomed Jesus to come into his heart and into his life.
Immediately the boy felt the difference within, the heavenly peace filled his heart, the love of God embraced him, a new hope for tomorrow birthed within, and he remembered the covenant his parents made to God, and in the midst of all this he heard God calling him to serve Him. He accepted the call and the life God had (has) for him.
After all this next day, early morning as usual he went to have his morning dose (to smoke), first time in years he didn’t like the taste, though it was of same brand, he tried another puff but the taste was still bad. He then understood that God came into his life had changed him completely from inside out, making him a brand new person.
He was a chain smoker, there were days he would drink all night, the remaining alcohol he would keep under a pillow and first thing he would do after waking up is start from where he left last night, he was so into weed that he would get high at all, he would take another supplement to get high. But, overnight God set this boy free from all addictions.
Within few days God also miraculously set him free from all the bad company, and then he went to church and began to grow in the Word, and in God.
God gave him an opportunity to go from place to place to share his story of hope. God began to use him to save souls, heal the sick, perform miracles…..
Today, he is pastoring churches in Bangalore. Serving God and the people God put under his care.
If God can heal, deliver, give hope and new life, and use him to bring glory to God, then there is hope for anybody on the planet.
“All this boy had (has) is Jesus and all you need in your situation is Jesus”!
This is my story (Ps. Jeevan Kumar), and today (13th February) is my spiritual birthday!
Thank you so much for taking time to read my story, if you are blessed by my testimony please share this the people who you think need to know about the hope in Jesus.
For more details about my story and for any help please feel free to reach me at +91 96203 88227. Thank you.
May God bless you 🙂
In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents…
It is such a wonderful testimony…
Thank you Ragland.