Hello dear friend,

Greetings to you in Jesus name.

I pray and hope you are safe, healthy, and blessed with every blessing in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Do you know as a believer and child of God you have a story to tell of God’s goodness and power in your life. You might have witnessed the love of God in your life in a very unique way that caused you to believe and follow Him.

Today I would like to remind you of your transition and your process to become like the Lord Jesus Christ.

  1. You were dead:

And you He made alive, who WERE DEAD in trespasses and sins. Ephesians 2:1

The bible says in Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death. Every sin has power to bring death (first spiritually, leading to mental and emotional, and finish its work physically).

What is sin? Sin is doing what God has told you not to do, and living a life that doesn’t please Him and match His standards.

How do we know we are living in sin?

It is very much evident, for example: A person who is in sin, will follow the world and its standards for living, and live to fulfil his/her lustful desires, and also living to fulfil the desires of mind.

By living this kind of sinful life, we were subjects to God’s wrath.

2. The entry of the mercy and grace of God:

But God, who is rich in mercy, because of HIS GREAT LOVE with which He loved us. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the GIFT OF GOD. Ephesians 2:4, 8.

When you were in sin, and though you tried to come out of those sinful things you couldn’t; but God in His abundant mercies and grace, and loved you with an everlasting unending life gave you a new life when you heard, believed and accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

God in His mercies has made us alive in Jesus Christ and helped us out of the sins that we were in, and in His grace He saved us (through the blood of Jesus) from the power of sin, and in His love He blessed us to be His children.

3. Our transformed and blessed life:

God raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6

When Jesus Christ our Lord was raised from the death, it was not His resurrection alone, it was our (everyone who believes in Him) resurrection too. We too conquered the power of sin, grave and death along with Jesus Christ.

Jesus after finishing His earthly ministry went to heaven and sat at the right hand of God, and now the Bible says that God has positioned us with His Son Jesus Christ in heavenly places.

Though we are living our life here on earth, with all the challenges, trails, temptations and persecutions; I want to encourage you that you are not just saved from sin and wrath, but you are positioned with our Lord Jesus Christ. WOW! What a privilege.

Let us live our life with the eyes on Jesus Christ, who is the author and perfector of our faith. Everything and everyone will pass away, only God remains.

May God provide you grace to not give up, but to endure everything and cross over to the other side of life with joy, in Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen

You are growing from glory to great glory!

With much love and blessings,

Ps. Jeevan Kumar & Ps. Leena Jeevan

You can reach us at +91 96203 88227 / [email protected]

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