Hello dear friend,

Greetings to you in Jesus name, I hope you are doing well in the grace and mercies of God, I pray may God also protect you from all the plans and schemes of the enemy and may God also provide you everything you need according to His glorious riches in Jesus Christ our Lord.

It is possible that we easily look down and under estimate on the small and the insignificant thing without knowing the potential God has put in each thing and in each and every one. But God has a unique way to make the insignificant – significant!

Are you feeling worthless, are you feeling less important, are you feeling that you do not have good things in life, and are you feeling you are not smart enough? These all are the lies from the pit of hell, when God made you, He made you for a purpose much bigger and much beautiful than you ever knew. Thank Him for it, and begin to discover it in your pursuit of Him.

Jesus taught His followers in parables, in one of the parable He compared the Kingdom of God with the mustard seed. Again He said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.” Mark 4:30-32

There are few important things that we will learn from these verses; Mustard seed is the smallest seed on earth, but when sown it becomes the largest of all the garden plants, and birds will rest in its shade.

The Word of God is like the mustard seed, when heard by the people of the world it can look very small, unrealistic and impractical to the everyday life.

But to those who believe in the Word of God, and apply it wisely in every situation and be led by it, then the Word of God will produce great harvest and it fruits will be a blessing to you and to everyone around you.

For example: When God called Abraham, he was childless; but God promised that his descendants will be like stars in the sky and like sand in the sea shore. When the word came to Abraham it might be like the mustard seed, but his faith in the Word of God caused him to live in the fulfilment of the promises of God, now Abraham became the father of everyone who puts their trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

Dear friend, every promise that God gives you might seem impossible until it is fulfilled. But for the Word of God to be fulfilled in your life you need to believe it, accept it, thank God for it, and live as if it is done. When God sees your faith, in due time, He will fulfil all the promises that He gave you.

It is God’s desire that we might be greatly blessed and also be a great blessing to everyone who is connected (and will connect to us) in Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen

I want to remind you one of the promises God gave us as the body of Christ is “The smallest family will become a thousand people, and the tiniest group will become a mighty nation. At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen”. Isaiah 60:22

You might be wondering when the promises of God will be fulfilled in your life. It’s a good and common question, God is saying “at right time, I will make it happen”.

No one knows when the right time is, but the best we can do is to trust in Him and His promises, and faithfully serve Him wherever He has placed us; as we do may God honour us and fulfil all His promises in Jesus name, amen.

With love and blessings,

Ps. Jeevan Kumar & Ps. Leena Jeevan

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