Hello dear friend,

Greetings to you in Jesus name.

Before I share the things the Lord has laid on my heart, I would like to wish you and your family a blessed and fruitful New Year. May you host God better and be a good steward of the things the Lord has entrusted you with.

Have you been thankful to God for giving you grace to run and finish your race in 2021, and grace to enter in to a new year and hopefully finish well in the grace and mercies of God. Amen

The Bible says, and Jesus called His twelve disciples together and began sending them out two by two, giving them authority to cast out evil spirits. Mark 6:7 NLT

I want to remind you that Jesus gave authority to His disciples, not to everyone who believe in Him or everyone who came to Him for a healing/miracle or a blessing. Are you His disciple?

Everyone can believe in Jesus, including the demons. Demons knew who Jesus was, and they confessed publically that He is God; but that doesn’t make them believers and disciples of Jesus Christ. (A disciple is someone who believes in Jesus, obeys Him, and walk in His footsteps)

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ then you can ask and expect God to give you supernatural authority.

One of the greatest blessings God gave Adam is an authority to have dominion to rule and reign in heaven (sky), on earth, and under the earth (water). There are demonic forces in the midair, on earth, and also in water; but God gave Adam authority to have power on all the evil and unclean forces.

Where are the evil spirits? They are in heavenly realm (sky), hindering the answers and help from heaven to the people of God, they are on earth to tempt to influence and to possess people, and they are also in the water (seas, oceans, rivers….)

Jesus in the above verse gave His disciples authority to cast out evil spirits.

And the Bible says in Mark 6:12-13: So the disciples went out, telling everyone they met to repent of their sins and turn to God. And they casted many demons, healed many sick people and anointed people with olive oil.

When Jesus gave the disciples the authority, they received by faith and began to use it.

One of the ways you function the authority God gave you in by proclaiming that Jesus is Lord. The gospel of Jesus Christ which is the good news carries power, the disciples preached it and saw the good news manifested.

How the sick people did got healed when God gave them power to cast demons? Some sickness in the body, mind, and even spirit is the result of demonic oppression, when that demon is casted out it takes all his stuffs and leave.

The disciples also anointed the people with olive oil, generally people are anointed with olive oil when they are set apart for specific work, I think when the disciples witnessed bondages are broken they set people apart to live the life they are created to live in God.

Dear friend, God has given us a word for 2022, through our spiritual father Ps. Shyju Mathew as THE YEAR OF DOMINION.

I believe as we grow as the disciples of Jesus Christ and stay faithful to God and the work He has assigned to us, and diligently seek Him, I pray we too will walk in supernatural authority defeating all the works of the enemy everywhere and in everyone who crosses our way this year in Jesus might name. Amen

May this year 2022 be a best year of your life so far manifesting God greatly than ever before.

In His service,

Ps. Jeevan Kumar & Ps. Leena Jeevan

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