Hello dear friend,

Greeting to you in Jesus name. I hope you are doing well in the grace and mercies of God, I pray may God continue to protect you and provide all your needs in Jesus name.

As a child I was little scared of tests, not because I was a poor student but mostly because of the results, but I learnt the fact that if I don’t go through tests I limit myself to be promoted to the higher grade.

I want you to know that God also tests not to embarrass you, but to promote you to the higher level in every area of your life.

Job in the bible was tested by God. Testing is not pleasant when you are going through it, it has potential to shake the foundation of your faith and your identity of who you are and who God is to you.

Job said, when He tests me, I will come out as pure as gold. Job 23:10

What should be your attitude when you are tested?

Count it all for joy my brothers when you face trails of many kinds. James 1:2

The reason you can count it for joy because you know the end result, God’s ultimate purpose for us is to become like His Son Jesus Christ.

There are so many things that contradicts to who we are in the spirit in heavenly realm, and the way we are living here on earth, therefore God disciplines us. And when you think you are doing everything good that pleases God and also blesses the people around you, He tests to see if you are strongly rooted even when you face challenges of many kinds.

What does these testing do?

Testing produces perseverance. Testing shows if our faith in God is genuine, it displays our determination and firmness of our purpose.

When you stay strong in your testing, it will bring you much praise and glory and honour on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. 1 Peter 1:7

There are rewards waiting for the child of God who do not give up when tested with many trails and temptation.

Do you want to receive rewards from God?

The end result of testing:

God wants you to mature and be complete in everything, and make you stronger to endure the challenges in life, and make you perfect not lacking anything.

Do you know it is God’s will for you to be perfect?

Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48

If perfection was impossible for us here on earth, our Lord Jesus wouldn’t have told us, isn’t it? If He said it, which means it is achievable. And one of ways you go to perfection is by trails, tests, and challenges.

Dear friend, before I conclude I want to ask, if you are going through any kind of tests in life. It could be in your house, among your friends and relatives, in your work place, in the neighborhood, or anywhere.

I want to tell you, do not give up!

God has great plans for your life, He will glorify you if you do not give up in the process of testing.

And ask God to help you to overcome every test as you stay connected focused to obey the Word of God and be willing to be led by His precious Spirit.

With much love and blessings,

Ps. Jeevan & Ps. Leena Jeevan

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