Hello dear friend,
Greetings to you in Jesus name.
I hope you are doing well in the grace and mercies of God. I pray, may God continue to protect and provide all your need in Him.
Going to church is a command from the Lord. But going to church has become an obligation to many people. Those who are excited for the church service has failed to understand and live the full purpose of going to church.
Today I would like to share few things that you would want to remember as you prepare to go to church;
1. You go to church with THANKSGIVING:
The Bible says, enter His gates with thanksgiving and with courts with praise.
As you prepare to go to church, be thankful to God for everything He has done for you in the last week. And prepare to praise and testify His goodness.
2. Have an attitude of PRAISE & WORSHIP:
You don’t have to reach the church and wait on the worship team to lead you to God.
After being thankful to God, you need to praise and worship Him as you head to the house of the Lord. When you go to church with this attitude, you will experience His nearness from the very start of the service.
3. Carry your WEAPONS!
It has become a fashion to go to church with just the phone or the iPad/tablet, rather than to carry your Holy Bible with notepad and pen.
There is nothing wrong in using a gadget, but there is also a tendency for you to check your messages, mails, and see all the notifications popping, which can distract you from the Presence of God.
4. Prepare to MEET GOD:
When you are going to church, you need to be desperate to meet your God.
God definitely want to speak to you anytime or throughout the service. If you do not meet God, there is a high possibility that you remain unchanged even after being in His Presence.
5. Prepare your TITHES/OFFERINGS:
Before you enter the presence of God, you should have taken your tithes/offering apart and should have prayed and thanked God about it.
Many people dig their wallet, pockets, and bags when they hear an announcement about giving. This is not an intentional giving, but just a response to the announcement.
6. Prepare to PARTICIPATE:
Church is a place where you go to serve God and His people. You do not go just for attendance or to please people.
God had called you, and had given you gifts to serve His Body. Have you recognized your calling and are you using your gifts?
You can contribute to the service through your presence, your prayers, your worship, your words, your giving, and through your ministry.
7. Prepare to be CHALLENGED to live the Word:
Most people listen to the Word to know the truth, nothing wrong with it.
But, you should also attend a service to be challenged to live according to the Word of God. Each service has a potential to change and shape us to be more like our Lord Jesus.
8. Prepare to FELLOWSHIP with others.
You meet your brothers and sisters in the Lord once a week, take time to show love and also serve them in the Lord.
There is nothing wrong if you can have a time of laughter after the service.
Dear friend, I encourage you to prepare yourself and then help other to prepare themselves to go to church with right perspective. I pray, may you be the person whom your family, your relatives, your friends, your fellow brothers and sisters, and the world imitates in pursuit of the Lord, in Jesus name. Amen
With much love and blessings,
Ps. Jeevan Kumar & Ps. Leena Jeevan
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