Hello dear friend, greetings in Jesus name.
I hope you are doing well in the grace and mercies of God, may God continue to protect you and provide all your needs.
Have you seen people who are older in age and are under 4feet?
We usually see them in circus, we laugh at them, isn’t it?
Many people are in a same way like them, they are proud of how long they have known God yet have not grown in God.
The enemy laughs at them and so is the people around.
Dear friend, would you believe if I say God wants you to grow?
It is God’s will for us to be fruitful.
The Bible says, Jesus grew Luke 2:40, 51.
Today I would like to share few things that helped Jesus grow spiritually, if we do what Jesus did we too will grow in Him and like Him.
1. Practice spiritual standards:
We need to have spiritual disciplines to overcome the normal life.
It could be to thank God as soon as you wake up, or read the Word of God until you hear Him, practice (live) the Word of God, be led by the spirit of God daily.
It’s not a one day thing, you need to be consistent and committed to know and do the will of God.
2. Have spiritual parents:
You might have many friends, elderly people to advice you, and influential people to lead you.
Having a spiritual source of knowledge and covering is the secret to be stay away from many unwanted mess in life, and to overcome everyday challenges effortlessly.
Your spiritual parents walk ahead of you to make a way for you, they teach you the Word of God, pray with you, and are available to give you Godly advices, and also to bless you.
3. Obey the Word of God:
We have been learning about the importance of obeying the Word of God, and yet we fail to keep it.
Jesus Christ the Son of God, had to learn obedience. Hebrews 5:8.
Jesus being God never used His deity to a live a Godly life on earth. He was a very disciplined man who lived only to please God and to do His will.
4. Do not run after recognition:
It is very common that people wanted to be noticed and appreciated.
Sometimes expecting praises from people can lead to hurts, frustrations, and disappointments.
Never build your life on people’s praises, because their rejection might break you.
Jesus ran away from praises of people, He was focused to finish the race God had set before Him.
5. Do not give up in your wilderness:
One of the lie that we heard in church is, when you believe God you will not have any troubles in life. In fact, Jesus told in this world there are tribulations.
Though there are tribulations, Jesus has given us victory over every situation.
Lord Jesus was in wilderness for 40 days and nights where he was tempted by the enemy, He overcome His wilderness by the Word of God.
Every wilderness has an expiry date.
Hold on to God, His Word, and be led by His Spirit.
As you follow these 5 things, may you grow and be fruitful in life, may you be blessed in Jesus name.
With much prayers and blessings,
Ps. Jeevan Kumar & Ps. Leena Jeevan
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Blessed by the word! Thank you pastor!
🙏☦️ Amen, obedience is better than sacrifice.