Hello dear friend,

Greetings to you in Jesus’ name, I hope you are doing well in the grace and mercies of God. May God continue to protect you and provide all your needs.

Today I would like to share few things to you on Worship. what is worship to you? what are the things that comes to your mind when you think of worship? The word Worship is mentioned more than 500 times in the Holy Bible, now you know how important it is to learn about Worship.

John 4: 23-24, Jesus said, Father is SEEKING for true worshippers, that will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Many people have minimized worship to slow song during church service, with hands lifted. Is Father God looking for people who sing slow songs with hands lifted or on knees or with tears? (This is just a small part of worship, but worship is more than this)

Many people have different opinion on worship, but for me worship is a LIFESTYLE.

  • Spending time with God in prayer, and reading His Word is worship.
  • Giving God the first place in our life is worship.
  • Living a God pleasing life is worship.
  • The way we dress is worship.
  • The kind of things we desire is worship.
  • The kind of language we speak is worship.
  • Our self-control when tempted is worship.
  • The way we treat our family is worship.
  • Our submission and fellowship with our spiritual source is worship.
  • Our willingness to be corrected is worship.
  • Sharing our testimony and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ is worship.
  • Honoring God with our wealth is worship.
  • The kind of people we hang out with is worship.
  • The attitude we carry to our workplace is worship.
  • The way we handle the money God gave us is worship.
  • The way we use God given gifts / talents / skills is worship.

From the time we wake up, until we go back to bed being mindful of God, and doing things that pleases Him is worship. We can worship God 24/7, all the 7 days in a week, all through our life we can worship God without ceasing.

Genesis 22:5: He (Abraham) said to his servants, ‘stay here with the donkey while I and the boy (Isaac) go over there we will worship and then we will come back to you.’

BTW, this is the first time a word mentioned in the Holy Bible. I would like to share 2 important things on worship from the life of Abraham in the Bible.

  1. Worship is sacrificial:

God spoke to Abraham and asked to offer a sacrifice; this time not an animal, but his own son, born to him at an old age. The Bible says next day early morning he got everything ready and took his son to sacrifice to God.

If we were in Abraham’s place, we would have rebuked that thought and could have easily considered that thought as demonic. He did not wait for another confirmation; he did not consult with Sarah his wife.

If God asked Abraham for his own life, or all his wealth and cattle, he would have given easily because of the reverence he had on God. But God asked for his only son, yet he was willing to give away that son whom he loved so much, easily.

When you love God, you will go to any extent to worship Him. Do you love God?

2. Worship is having faith:

Abraham knew that he is going to sacrifice his son, but in the above verse Abraham is telling his servants that they will worship God and come back. How?

Abraham trusted in God even in the midst of death.

At times we doubt God when we are going through a season of tests and trails and persecutions. We need to see beyond the visible and believe in the impossible. Psalmist said, even though I walk through the valleys of shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me Your rod and Your staff they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

When we know who God is and what He has done to us in the past, then having faith in God today is easy.

Dear friend, before I conclude I want to encourage you to offer your whole life completely and trust in Him wholeheartedly this is a proper act of worship to God. As you do, may God bless and honour you like Abraham in Jesus name. Amen

with much love,

Ps. Jeevan Kumar & Ps. Leena Jeevan

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