Hello dear friend,

Greetings to you in Jesus’ name, I hope you are doing well in the grace and mercies of God.

This is a year of KINGLY LIFE, wherein you are called to live an abundant life. And this is also a year of TAKEOVER, you will see the manifestation of the promises and dreams/desires God has given to you in a supernatural way.

Today I want to remind you that God has given you the authority.

The Bible says, God created man in His image and likeness and gave man authority to rule over birds of the air, fish in the water, and every living thing on ground. Genesis 1:26-27.

But remember then God formed a man in Genesis 2:7 with the dust of the ground.

In Genesis 1 God created a man, in Genesis 2 God formed a man. It means God created spirit first, and then body and soul.

God did not give authority to your flesh, mind, emotions, and desires; but to the spirit man. As long as you are led by the Spirit of God you will live like God (Son of God).

No matter what situation you are, you are empowered to overcome it by the Word and the Spirit of God. You are unstoppable!

Do not compare yourself with others and think you are less gifted than them. Do not look at things others have and look down on yourself.

You are loved by God, you are created/fashioned by God, and you are chosen by God to live like Him.

The Bible also says that Jesus has given you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on earth that will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth that you will lossed in heaven. Matthew 16:19

If you don’t know who you are and what God has given to you, you cannot live like Him.

My question to you is do you know who you are? Do you know what God has given to you? Are you using the things God gave you?

Dear friend, I want to bring to your mind that the coming of the Lord is very near. When we meet Him, He will ask you for an account of all the things He gave you. If you have done everything He expects from you then you will receive rewards and also appreciation from Him.

Remember all that you have today has been given to you by God, and for the Kingdom and glory of God.

May you be equipped and empowered by God to be blessed and be a great blessing to the Kingdom of God and to the people around you, in King Jesus name.

With much love and blessings,

Pastor Jeevan & Ps. Leena

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