Hello dear friend,
Greetings to you in Jesus name.
I hope you are doing well in the grace save mercies of God, I pray may God continue to bless you with His choicest blessings.
One of the questions I was frequently asked was “why God accepted Abel’s offerings and rejected Cain’s offering?”
Before I asked that question, I want to tell you that God loved Cain and Abel (with or without their offerings).
We are unconditionally and eternally loved by God, with or without your giving (tithes, offerings, altars, and first fruits) to Him.
You cannot make God love you more than what He has already loved you with. You cannot buy love by your giving.
Then, why do we give?
There are five types of giving and this is the reason;
- Altars : We build altars because are grateful to God. (For what He has done and for what He is about to do)
- Tithes: We give our tithes because we want to obey Him and His Word.
- Offerings: We give offerings to God because our offerings is a seed we want to sow and believe for a harvest.
- First fruits: We bring our first fruits because we want to honour God with our substance.
- Alms: We give alms because we want to show love.
Dear friend, we need to practice all the above mentioned 5 types of giving regularly (whenever and however the Lord leads).
Personally I believe in giving, there is power in giving, and it has been working wonders in my own life. (I am not where I want to be, but I’m definitely not where I used to be)
Many desire to give to God and towards the work for God, but you cannot give until you have the grace to give.
Desire is good but remember it’s a part of your soulish realm, you need to be led by the Spirit of God.
Is it possible for someone to be unconditionally loved by God, called by God, anointed by God, and doing great ministry and yet be broke (or live in financial lack)?
I personally believe God wants us to live above our limitations, where you are blessed and be a blessing to others. And your giving is the key.
Why God accepted Abel’s offering and rejected Cain’s offerings?
“Later she gave birth to his brother and named him Abel. When they grew up, Abel became a shepherd, while Cain cultivated the ground.” “When it was time for the harvest, Cain presented some of his crops as a gift to the Lord. Abel also brought a gift—the best portions of the firstborn lambs from his flock. The Lord accepted Abel and his gift,”
Genesis 4:2-4 NLT
This verse clearly says, Abel was a Shepherd and Cain was a farmer. The above highlighted words say, Cain brought SOME of his crops, while Abel brought the best portions of the FIRSTBORN LAMBS from his flock.
Both Cain and Abel were successful in their work, and they were grateful to God therefore they brought and offering to the Lord.
Cain brought some of his crops, while Abel brought the best of firstborn lambs to the Lord. (The best I think could have without any defect).
God is saying, “You will be accepted if you do what is right. Genesis 4:7 NLTa
The right thing Cain could have done was to bring ALL the best among from his crops.
Remember God was not upset with Cain, He just didn’t accept Cain’s offering. God accepted Abel’s offering, but God is having a conversation with Cain who felt rejected.
What if Cain accepted his mistake and brought the ALL the best crop and offered it to the Lord, could his offering be accepted by God?
“Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce;”
Proverbs 3:9 ESV
Remember you honour God by offering all the first fruit of all your produce to the Lord.
What does your first fruits look like today?
- It is your first born son.
- It is all your first crops in the field/garden.
- It is all your first salary in a new company, or new destination.
- It is a your first produce of your cattle.
- It is first profit in your business. (Or it could be in any area of your wealth and income)
Why is it important to do offer your first fruits to the Lord.
- Because you are honouring God.
- Because you are thankful to God.
- Because you are making God the boss and owner of that particular area of your life.
Remember when you give God the first fruits, the rest of the fruits will be a great blessing to you.
I pray, may God give you grace to honour Him with your first fruits, and as you honour Him may you be accepted and your act of faith be rewarded in Jesus name. Amen
With much love and prayers,
Ps Jeevan Kumar & Ps Leena Jeevan
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