Hi Dear Friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. what a joy to write to you on the thing that God laid on my heart, it personally inspired me and lifted my spirit up in the Lord hope you too will experience the same. It is so important to know who you are as a person,...

Man’s greatest need!!!

Hi Dear Friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. We have been hearing from our very young age that man’s greatest need is food, clothing and shelter. I think food, clothing and shelter are the most important things in our day to day life, but I also think those basic...

Wisdom is a Choice!

Hi dear friend Greetings to you in Jesus name. Today I would like to share few things on wisdom. The world we are living in is filled with two kinds of people, wise and foolish. Wisdom is found in the truth. The Bible is the Truth and Jesus said, I am the Truth. A...

Called to Live a Godly Life!!

Hi dear friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. Today I want to remind you that we are called to live like Jesus lived when He was in this world. One of our greatest hindrance to live like Jesus is SIN. We inherited this sinful nature from Adam but the day we invite...

You Can Love God Unconditionally!!

Hello dear friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. We all know that, God loves us no matter how sinful, bad, evil, corrupt, wicked and depraved we are and He continue to love us for eternity. One thing that caught my attention in past few days is, how we take His...

Free from WORRIES !!

Hi dear friend, I was thinking that we all have one thing in common, and that is worries. No matter who you are, how educated you are, no matter how good and influential your family is but the truth is directly or indirectly we all are victims of worries. The reason...

Hope for your unequally yoked Marriage!

Hello dear friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. Hope the posts that been shared are helpful in your walk with God and to build a good and healthy relationship with the people around you. Today I would like to share few things on Marriage, especially on if your...


Hello Dear Friend, One of the most horrible thing that we are seeing and hearing nowadays is people getting mad and upset with God. I think this is the scariest place to be in. When everything goes well the way we wanted it to go we praise and worship God but when...

Jesus – The Seed

Hi, Greetings to you in Jesus name. Today I would like to unveil few things about Jesus, One of the name that Jesus have is – the seed! Today we will study two things about Jesus being the seed of God. The Bible says, God created man in His own image and...

6 things helps us to live a blessed life.

Hi Dear Friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. We live our life the way we want till the day we surrender to God and make Jesus the Lord and Savior of our life. After making Jesus the Lord over your life, you should know it’s not about you anymore but it’s all about...