Hello dear friend,

Greetings to you in Jesus name. I hope you are doing well in the grace and mercies of God. I pray, may God continue to protect you from all the plans and schemes of the enemy and provide you everything you need according to His riches in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

We are living in a world where we are judged quickly and looked down. And if you have fallen in your standard of your living your own people will distant you and look down on you; resulting in rejection, loneliness and depression.

We are taught and sometimes forced by the family members and elders to not to walk closely with the people who are not financially stable, who are not wise and influential, and have weak moral standards. It might sound practical and sensible, unless if that person is you or your family.

Today I would like to introduce to you a person who loves the sinners, He likes to strengthen the weak and lift up the fallen, and His name is Lord Jesus Christ.

The Bible says, when the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the sinners and tax collectors, they asked his disciples: “Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners? Mark 2:16

Though Jesus was not considered to be the Messiah by the Jews of His time, but they knew very well that Jesus was not an ordinary man, because they believe Jesus was a great teacher who has the power to heal the sick and set people free from sins, demonic oppression and perform unusual miracles.

When they saw Jesus sitting and dining with the people who are considered as sinners, they were uncomfortable and began to question. One of the things that we learn from Jesus’ life and ministry is he made the uncomfortable (sinners) comfortable and make the comfortable (religious people) uncomfortable.

Whose house Jesus was in?

Jesus was in Levi’s house, he was a tax collector. Tax collectors were considered as sinners because they were Jews but worked for Romans, many tax collectors were dishonest and abused this system by taking far too much.

Jesus called Levi to follow him, when he was at the tax collectors booth. Remember Jesus did not go to the Synagogue and enquire about the good young religious people from the temple, but He went to the rejected and lowly people and chose them to follow Him.

This same Levi later goes to Ethiopia as a missionary, and becomes a martyr there; what a blessed and inspiring life. Today the world in the east and the west remembers his life and celebrates St. Matthew day.

Jesus was in Levi’s house eating and fellowshipping with the tax collectors and other sinners.

Dear friend, If you are feeling low, rejected, and have been looked down because of your past mistakes and past life style, I want you to know that God loves you and He cares for you.

Someone said, the devil knows your name and yet call you by the sin you committed, but God knows your sins but calls you by your name. He is able to help you out of all your feelings and strengthen you to live a life He has called you to live in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Before I conclude I want to remind you of the very important thing, whenever you feel down and guilty of the sins, quickly run to God and repent and ask Him for His forgiveness, He is faithful to forgive you of all your sins and cleanse you of all your unrighteousness.

I pray, may God give you grace to know that you are chosen by Him in Jesus Christ our Lord to change the world around for His glory, and may you live all your life here on earth knowing you are deeply loved and have a great purpose in Jesus might name. Amen

May God bless you, with much love and blessings,

Ps. Jeevan Kumar & Ps. Leena Jeevan

+91 9620388227, [email protected]

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