Hindrances to Evangelism

Today I am so glad that I would like to share my heart with you. God has called us with different calling and different gifting but one of the greatest privilege and responsibility is that we should be His witnesses, tell the people around us about Jesus Christ our...

5 Godly things brokenness does to you.

Hello Dear friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. Hope the start of 2015 been amazing! 2014 was a year that God brought us to Bangalore. To be honest it wasn’t an easy year. God has molded me in the areas I need to be molded, broken in the areas I need to be broken....

Word for 2015

Hello Dear friend, Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I would like to take this time to wish you and your family a belated Happy New Year 2015. God has truly been so good and faithful to us in 2014. 2014 was a year of God’s favor! If it...