True Christmas

Hello Dear Beloved, Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We wish you and your family a Blessed and Christ centered Christmas. Today I would like to share with you on what is Christmas. I Pray God will speak to you and help you to celebrate...

My death makes God alive!

Hi dear Friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. I am glad to share few things that God has been teaching me since few weeks. Today I would like to share few things on why we should fast? Before we discuss on why to fast? It is important should we fast! Matt 6:16:...

4 Pillars of Church

Hello Dear Friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. I am glad to bring the word God placed on my heart concerning the church. We all want to see our church to grow in quality and quantity like the early church. The early church was rooted and grounded on the promises...

What to do when you are in trouble?

Hi Dear Friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. Our life on earth is so precious and valuable, its one opportunity God has given us and we should live our lives to the full. God wants us to live this life happily and abundantly and blessed to the full. Our life on...

10 Keys for healthy marriage.

Hi Dear friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. The Bible says, marriage is honorable in all. Heb 13:4. God honors marriage above all, we should never give less importance to marriage. Our marriage must be based and founded on Jesus and His words. Today I would like...