Hello dear friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. I hope you are doing well in the grace and mercies of God. I pray may God continue to protect and strengthen you, and provide all your needs according to His glorious riches in Jesus Christ our Lord. Everyone is in...

Power of Your Words.

Dear friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. When God created all the creation, He just spoke a word and things came into existence, but when He had to make a man He formed him from the dust. For God to make a man, His hands got dirty, we are His...

Grow your FAITH

Hello dear friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. One of the thing that we try to do to everyone is be good to them and try to please them in every way possible. I am not telling you to please people but have a right attitude and be merciful and loving. People around...