Hello dear friend, Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I want you to know dear reader that God has provided everything you need to live a supernatural and extra-ordinary life. If you look at the life of Jesus Christ our Lord, one thing...

Benefits of OBEDIENCE

Hello dear friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. There are so many people in the Bible whom God has chosen, appointed and anointed and were greatly blessed by God; there are other people whom God has chosen, appointed and anointed and yet were greatly failed. The...

Power of Your Words.

Dear friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. When God created all the creation, He just spoke a word and things came into existence, but when He had to make a man He formed him from the dust. For God to make a man, His hands got dirty, we are His...

The Word for 2018

Dear friends, Greetings to you in Jesus name. I want to thank you for subscribing and reading my blogs. I take it as a privilege to reach you through this channel. I hope and pray that these words inspire you to love God and live a life that God has called you to live...

Your Time is Now – 2

Hello dear friend, Greetings to you in Jesus name. In my previous blog, I was talking to you about the TIME, just in case if you have missed my previous blog ‘Your time is now’, you can read it now here . Today I will continue on the same...