by Pastor Jeevan Kumar | May 4, 2012 | Spiritual Growth
Worship is one of the Powerful things the world waits for. Some worship some god, some people, some money, and some created things, some….. Whom do you worship? This is the biggest question. At one hand God wants to be worshiped and on the other hand even the...
by Pastor Jeevan Kumar | Apr 15, 2012 | Spiritual Growth
I started to serve God since the day I gave my life to Jesus. Leena (my wife) was earning a good pay until God told her to quit the job. The very next morning she went to her office and gave her resignation. Since then we both are into full time ministry serving God...
by Pastor Jeevan Kumar | Apr 10, 2012 | Bible study methods
I am so glad to make you know the basic thing about how to interpret the Bible correctly. When I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior I was told to read bible and pray. Whenever I read the Bible I could not understand some of the things, I went to my pastor/ elders...
by Pastor Jeevan Kumar | Apr 6, 2012 | Blessings, Gospel
I remember the days when I was in Siliguri, West Bengal. One evening I was taking a chapel when one of my friends from Arunachal Pradesh asked me ‘Why the death of Jesus is called as good Friday’. He was a student at ‘Leadership training center’ a person who would get...
by Pastor Jeevan Kumar | Mar 30, 2012 | Prayer
Jesus’ ministry on earth was very powerful and remains so forever. Everywhere He went thousands of people gathered to listen to Him. Everywhere He went healing and revival took place and in every synagogue (church) He preached with mighty authority and miracles took...
by Pastor Jeevan Kumar | Mar 19, 2012 | Blessings
This is from the familiar story in the Old Testament, the story of Joseph. This man has been inspiring me a lot; I have picked up few things from this guy. If you had a dream from God and you don’t see yourself on your way to reach your destiny, disturbed, confused,...
by Pastor Jeevan Kumar | Mar 4, 2012 | Spiritual Growth
The reason most people end up in frustration and brokenness is because they got themselves to the point where they don’t want to be in (failed state). As human, sometime we ignore God and God’s will and we try to achieve our self-centered goals with our own intellect...
by Pastor Jeevan Kumar | Feb 28, 2012 | Church
The reason most of the churches are not satisfied or not achieving their vision is because the church is failed to recognize the potential of people. I grew up as a cricketer. I was the captain of the college where I studied. As a captain of the team it was very...
by Pastor Jeevan Kumar | Feb 15, 2012 | Gospel, Wisdom
Elections! Elections!! The major buzz we see going around the moment we switch on the TV. Politicians are all over going on rallies asking for vote. The other day someone asked, “Jeevan, whom do you support?” Then I asked him, “to whom should I support and why?” He...
by Pastor Jeevan Kumar | Feb 1, 2012 | Gospel
There are so many people in the world have different views of who God is? Some say all gods are one, few others say there is only one God but he is having different names, some say this is our god and he is your god, few say there is no god at all but I want to say...